Financial Aid Resources for MPA Students
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Departmental Scholarships

Department of Accounting scholarships are funded through financial contributions made by alumni, business partners, and friends of the department.

Traditional MPA Students

All admitted tMPA applicants are automatically considered for departmental scholarships during the admissions process. A separate scholarship application is not required. Due to limited funding, tMPA scholarships are typically awarded to U.S. applicants.

MPA Bridge Students

Certain departmental scholarships are directed towards MPA students in their graduate year to help defray some of the graduate tuition costs.* The MPA Program Office will send you a scholarship application in the spring before you enter graduate school. Award decisions are released during the summer.

Integrated MPA Students: Graduate (5th) Year

Certain departmental scholarships are directed towards MPA students in their graduate (5th) year to help defray some of the graduate tuition costs.* Students must be admitted to graduate school to be eligible for scholarship consideration. The MPA Program Office will notify iMPA students when the scholarship application opens in the spring for the following academic year. Award decisions are released during the summer.

*When making these awards, the Department of Accounting considers both academic performance and financial need. In order for the department to determine the level of financial need, students must provide complete and accurate information regarding their estimated financial resources and academic debt on the scholarship application. Some scholarship donors stipulate that the awards be made only to students with specific interests or qualifications. Certain application questions are designed to identify these students, and while you are not required to answer all of the questions, the Department of Accounting may not be able to consider your application for all awards without this information.

If you have questions about the application process, contact Keri Ledezma.

McCombs School of Business Undergraduate Scholarships

Scholarship awards are available to continuing undergraduates in the McCombs School of Business. You are a continuing student if you are enrolled in the McCombs School of Business during the current academic year and will be enrolled as an undergraduate in the McCombs School of Business in the following academic year.

Questions? Please contact the BBA Program Office.

TBA Accounting Student Scholarships

Administered by the Texas State Board of Public Accountancy, the TBA Accounting Student Scholarships are awarded based on the following criteria:

  • Texas residency,
  • Financial need,
  • Grade point average, and
  • Commitment to take the CPA exam in Texas.

Applications are distributed by the MPA Program Office, but the office does not make the decision regarding who receives these scholarships.

Other Accounting Scholarships

Several organizations offer scholarships to encourage the pursuit of an accounting education.

For example, the AICPA provides a listing of several scholarship opportunities.

View AICPA opportunities

Teaching Assistantships

The Department of Accounting offers a limited number of teaching assistant (TA) positions to qualified graduate students. Integrated MPA students are eligible to serve as teaching assistants during their fifth (graduate) year.

TAs are assigned to graduate or undergraduate courses to assist the professor with a variety of tasks associated with course instruction, such as grading homework, proctoring exams, holding office hours and leading review sessions. Appointments are usually for 10 hours per week. TA positions do not qualify a non-Texas resident or an international student for in-state tuition.

All positions require an overall GPA of at least 3.0 and enrollment in at least nine semester hours in the fall or spring or three semester hours in the summer (exception: in the graduating semester, fifth-year students may enroll in six semester hours as long as they are sitting for the CPA exam in that semester).

TA applications are available from the McCombs Department of Accounting. For information about academic employment outside the Accounting Department, visit the UT Austin Graduate School.