Registration Slotting Process
Student registration access is determined based on progress towards degree completion. The percentage to degree completion, as reflected in "slotting audits" run by the Registrar's Office on the 20th class day will establish a student's registration time. Once assigned, registration times cannot be changed, so it's important to address any items that can improve your progress toward degree completion. The BBA academic advising team has compiled a list of frequently asked questions about the registration slotting process for your reference. If you have additional questions please contact the BBA Program Office or visit your academic advisor's canvas page for ways to contact them.
Registration FAQs

How will I be assigned my registration time slot?

Your registration time slot will be assigned based on your progress toward degree completion. The closer you are to completing your degree, the earlier you will be able to register.

What can I do to make sure I'm assigned to the correct access period?

Since your registration access depends on your progress toward degree completion, it’s important that your academic record is updated and correct. To ensure that your record is correct and you are assigned the appropriate registration time, please do the following:

  • Run an Interactive Degree Audit. Once you log in with your UT EID, just hit ‘submit’ and a degree audit based on your official catalog will be run. You will use this audit to identify any issues. If you are pursuing a simultaneous major you must enter your college, major, and catalog. If you notice any problems with your degree audit (ex: you submitted a petition to count a course toward a requirement and it is not being applied to that requirement), send an email to BBA Academic Advising.
  • Claim Credit-by-Exam. If you want to use your credit by exam towards your degree, you must petition to have the credit put on your transcript. If you have already discussed the credit to be petitioned or you are aware of the credits needed for your degree, you do not need to consult with your advisor before you claim your credit. Petitioned credits are posted to student records on Mondays (unless there is a holiday) so make sure to claim your credit in time for the credit to be posted before Monday, February 10 in order for them to be counted for registration slotting.
  • Declare your business major. All business students enter as “Unspecified Business”. In order to calculate the correct percentage of degree completion, students who are eligible should declare their specific business major.

Please be aware that the Business Declare Major system will not be available during the time period that Registration Slotting audits run. McCombs students will not be able to declare or change their business major from February 10-21.

When should I see my advisor?

Registration starts in early April, but we recommend that students start planning with their academic advisor well before registration. This will ensure we have enough space on our calendars to see all students before registration. You can schedule an appointment with your assigned advisor through your MYUT or Academic Advising Canvas page.

When will course schedules be available?

Course schedules will be available on the first business day in March. All course schedules are published on the Registrar’s website.

View course schedules

I have a double major. Which major will the university use to assign my access period?

The University will use the degree profile showing the greatest progress toward completion to assign the registration time.

When will my registration period be available?

Registration time slots will become known soon after (usually within a day) the Course Schedule is published. It can be found on each student’s personal Registration Information Sheet (RIS). Students should log on to view their RIS and see their registration time.

Learn more

What will happen if I drop a class?

The University will use slotting degree audits, which begin running February 10, to assign registration access periods. Any changes to your record after that date will not be reflected in the degree audit used for registration slotting.

I have a friend with my same major and degree progress, but their access period is earlier than mine. Why is that?

There are a limited number of registration slots available at any given time to ensure the computer system works efficiently. As a result, students with the same major and identical progress toward degree completion may need to register at different times.

I'm considering changing my major or transferring to a different college/university. How does this affect my access period?

Visit your Academic Advisor to discuss your options.

Although it may be too late to change to a different college/school and get a new major declared in that new college/school, McCombs students can change their major online.

McCombs students wanting to change their major should do so before February 10.

Please be aware that the Business Declare Major system will not be available during the time period that Registration Slotting audits run. McCombs students will not be able to declare or change their business major from February 10-21.

Will my current enrollment in a University Extension course or course at another institution be reflected in my degree audit?

Since these courses are not on your academic record, they will not be considered in the degree audit used to determine your registration access period.

Registration Tips

If a class is full during registration, your first step is adding yourself to the class waitlist, if one is available. Those students will receive first priority for any open seats.

To join a waitlist, you need to request to add the section you want (if it’s full).

If a class does not have a waitlist, all you can do is check during later add/drop periods (students may drop, the department may add more seats, etc.). If you have questions about a class that’s full or restricted, check with the department that offers the class. Each department’s location and phone number can be found by clicking on a specific unique number, and opening “see department headnote,” or finding the department in the UT directory.

Find a department

Remember: Business courses are handled by the BBA Program Office (located in CBA 2.400).

Call the BBA Program Office

If you’re graduating and need a particular class to graduate, you can fill out the graduating senior petition; however, registration into particular sections is not guaranteed. If another class or section is available that can also fulfill the degree requirement, you will need to take that instead.

UT cannot always accommodate every student’s work schedule or other outside activities. If a class has several sections, you may need to rearrange your schedule to take an open section, or not take the class that semester. Do not structure your entire schedule around a certain section of a certain course until you’ve safely added yourself to it.

The waitlists operate through the fourth class day, so if a class has a waitlist option, that’s still your best option to be added to the class.

It’s extremely important to attend classes you wish to add. If you have missed one or more class meetings, many departments will be unwilling to add you into a full class, as you will already be behind.

You may add/drop yourself online during the first four class days. From the fifth through twelfth class days, you may still drop classes online, but after the fifth class day, the BBA Program Office does not allow any adds into any undergraduate BBA courses.

Remember: professors cannot add you into classes.

Business courses are handled by the BBA Program Office (located in CBA 2.400).

Call the BBA Program Office

For non-business courses, check with the appropriate department before contacting a professor. Different departments may have different add procedures. Each department’s location and phone number can be found by clicking on a specific unique number and opening ‘see department headnote’, or finding the department on the UT directory.

Find a department