The financial aid you already receive can, in most cases, be used for study abroad programs.
Aid for study abroad is jointly approved via Texas Global, BBA International Programs, and the Office of Financial Aid (OFA). Students seeking financial aid for their program should complete the FAFSA for the appropriate academic period. To assist in the timely receipt of your financial aid, and to ensure full consideration for all aid for which you qualify, you must apply by the Priority Date. If you miss the Priority Date, you must complete the FAFSA no later than three months prior to your departure date.
BBA International Programs will send the Office of Financial Aid the estimated costs for your study abroad program. OFA will revise your financial aid awards based on these costs and send you a Financial Aid Notification (FAN). Additional grant funding is not available from OFA for study abroad programs. Study abroad students are offered additional loans (student, parent, or private) as eligibility permits. Visit Texas Global for additional information.
Education Abroad Counseling and Financial Aid Counseling must be complete before any financial aid will be released. Important items to keep in mind as you prepare to go abroad:
- Complete all requirements before departure to ensure your financial aid is released on time
- Release of financial aid occurs beginning 10 days before the first class day of the regularly scheduled UT Austin term or semester for programs that start prior to UT’s first class day, or 10 days before the start of a study abroad program that starts after UT’s first class day
- Students will need to pay deposits or airline tickets on their own
- Ensure your US contact information is accurate – work with your assigned Financial Aid Counselor to have any anticipated paper checks mailed to the correct US address. International mailing is not available.
Common Financial Aid Questions
Can I apply my financial aid abroad?
Yes, financial aid may be applied to all BBA International Programs. However, keep in mind that the type of aid you receive may be different from the awards package you normally get at UT. In most cases, loans will be the primary source of financial aid awarded for Faculty-Led Programs. Although certain grants may be used abroad, it is possible that some scholarships or grants will NOT transfer abroad, or may only be applied to long semesters (Fall/Spring). For details on whether grants may be used abroad, please contact your Financial Aid Counselor and/or grant provider.
How do I apply for financial aid?
You apply as you would for any other semester at UT. Please complete the FAFSA application by the March 15 deadline. For additional instructions, please contact the Office of Financial Aid.
Can I defer my UT tuition until my financial aid is released?
No. Unfortunately, students will not be able to defer their tuition until financial aid is released. Students must plan ahead to have sufficient funds to pay their tuition by the UT deadline. Students are eligible to apply for a tuition loan from the University. Tuition loans carry an interest rate of 4%.
When can I expect my financial aid to be released?
Financial aid award disbursements depend on the start date of your program abroad. For Fall Semester Programs that begin in July or early to mid-August, OFA will release funds starting 10 days before the start of the fall semester at UT Austin.
For Spring Semester Programs that start after the UT spring semester, financial aid will be released starting 10 days before the program start date. It is important that students arrange for funds to cover expenses prior to departure, as well as immediate expenses for the initial weeks abroad.
Scholarship Deposit and fee Payment
BBA International Programs is committed to helping make study abroad as accessible as possible. Students interested in Faculty-Led Programs who are concerned about paying the non-refundable deposit upon enrollment, but would still like to apply and financially commit, should contact Aleksandra Wingate.
Our office will work with your specific circumstances to find the best solution for each student.
BBA Semester Scholarships
In addition to applying to general study abroad scholarships, students participating in BBA Semester Programs (Fall, Spring, Summer Exchange, or year-long) may apply for the following scholarships:
BBA INternational Programs Scholarship
Special thanks to the McCombs Parents Council, Canfield Business Honors Program, McCombs Success Scholars Program, and the BBA Program Office for generously providing these scholarship funds.
Eligibility: Undergraduate BBA students studying abroad on a BBA Semester Program
Award amount: Up to $2000
Deadline: April 1 (summer & fall); October 1 (spring)
Sarah and Alex Grown Endowment for International Learning
Sarah and Alex Groen established this special endowment to provide students with financial need support and accessibility to achieve their study abroad goals.
Eligibility: Need-based, preference given to first-generation students, only open to students on a BBA Semester Program
Award amount: Up to $2000
Deadline: April 1 (summer & fall); October 1 (spring)
Application: Students who wish to apply for this award should apply to the ‘BBA International Programs Scholarship’ in Lasso. They will automatically be considered for the Groen Award.
May Term Faculty-Led Scholarships
May Term Program participants must apply for a general scholarship at the time they submit their application to the program. Selected applicants will receive their placement offer and scholarship offer at the same time, if they receive one.
McCombs May Term Abroad Scholarship
This is a general scholarship providing financial assistance to deserving students who are enrolled in a May Term Faculty-Led Program.
Awards are based on merit and financial need.
Eligibility: Any student participating in a May Term Faculty-Led Program
Number of awards: Multiple awards available
Award amount: $1000-$2000
Deadline: At the time of program application
BBA Summer Term Faculty-Led Scholarships
Participants in BBA Summer Term Faculty-Led Programs may apply for a variety of scholarships below. Please note, you must be an accepted participant in the program in order to apply for a scholarship. Additional information will be provided to accepted participants.
McCombs Study Abroad Scholarship
This is a general scholarship providing financial assistance to deserving students who are enrolled in a BBA Summer Term Faculty-Led Program.
Awards are based on merit and financial need.
Eligibility: Any student participating in a BBA Summer Term Faculty-Led Program
Number of awards: Multiple awards available
Award amount: $1000-$2000
Deadline: Feb 1. Additional information will be provided to accepted participants.
McCombs First Generation Scholarship
Awards first-generation college students taking on the challenge of study abroad through a BBA Summer Term Faculty-Led Program.
For this scholarship, first-generation college students are defined as first in their immediate family to attend college.
Eligibility: BBA Summer Term Faculty-Led Program participants who are first in their immediate family to attend college.
Number of awards: Multiple
Award amount: $1000-$2000
Deadline: Feb 1. Additional information will be provided to accepted participants.
McCombs CBHP Summer Study Abroad Scholarship
Sponsored by the Canfield Business Honors Program Office, this scholarship is open to CBHP undergraduate students enrolled in a BBA Summer Term Faculty-Led program.
Eligibility: Canfield BHP undergraduates participating in a BBA Summer Term Faculty-Led Program
Number of awards: Varies
Award amount: $1000-$2000
Deadline: Feb 1. Additional information will be provided to accepted participants.
McCombs Outstanding Student Scholarship
BBA International Programs has dedicated this scholarship to recognize McCombs students who demonstrate strong personal, academic and leadership skills.
Application is merit-based.
Eligibility: Any student participating in a BBA Summer Term Faculty-Led Program
Number of awards: Varies
Award amount: $1000 – $1200
Deadline: Feb 1. Additional information will be provided to accepted participant.
McCombs Texas Competitive Scholarship Waiver
This scholarship is provided by the state of Texas in order to offset the cost of non-resident UT tuition for BBA Summer Term Faculty-Led Programs.
This award is merit-based and restricted to students who currently pay non-resident tuition.
Eligibility: Open to non-Texas resident students participating in a BBA Summer Term Faculty-Led Program
Number of awards: Varies
Award amount:$1000 plus an in-state tuition waiver for the study abroad course
Deadline: Feb 1. Additional information will be provided to accepted participants.
MPA Summer Term Faculty-Led Scholarships
In addition to general Summer Term Faculty-Led Programs scholarships, students participating on an MPA Summer Term Faculty-Led Program may apply for the scholarships below.
McCombs Study Abroad Scholarship
This is a general scholarship providing financial assistance to deserving students who are enrolled in a BBA Summer Term Faculty-Led Program.
Awards are based on merit and financial need.
Eligibility: Any student participating in a BBA Summer Term Faculty-Led Program
Number of awards: Multiple awards available
Award amount: $1000-$2000
Deadline: Feb 1. Additional information will be provided to accepted participants.
McCombs First Generation Scholarship
Awards first-generation college students taking on the challenge of study abroad through a BBA Summer Term Faculty-Led Program.
For this scholarship, first-generation college students are defined as first in their immediate family to attend college.
Eligibility: BBA Summer Term Faculty-Led Program participants who are first in their immediate family to attend college.
Number of awards: Multiple
Award amount: $1000-$2000
Deadline: Feb 1. Additional information will be provided to accepted participants.
McCombs MPA Excellence Fund Scholarship
BKD, Deloitte & Touche, Ernst & Young, KPMG, PricewaterhouseCoopers, Ryan, UHY, Jacobs Family Endowment for Excellence in Accounting, and the McCombs Master in Professional Accounting Program jointly support international experiences for Texas MPA students. The Department of Accounting allocates donated funds from these firms to help MPA students participate in our International Accounting Programs.
Eligibility: MPA students participating in an MPA Summer Term Faculty-Led Program.
Number of awards: Multiple.
Award amount: $1000-$2000
Deadline: Feb 1. Additional information will be provided to accepted participants.
Please refrain from contacting Deloitte, E&Y, KPMG, or PwC directly for any scholarship-related questions or to submit your application.
International Education Fees scholarship (IEFS)
Every UT student that studies abroad is eligible to apply for the International Education Fee Scholarship (IEFS), which is funded through UT student fees.
The IEFS application is based on both need and merit, with emphasis placed on need.
Eligibility: All UT Students. There is a pool of funds specifically for graduate students; tMPA and 5th year iMPA students are especially encouraged to apply for this award.
Number of awards: Multiple
Award amount: $1000-$1500
Deadline: February 15 (Summer)
Additional Scholarships
The scholarships below are not administered by BBA International Programs, but are excellent options for additional potential funding. Contact the associated provider for more information about these opportunities.
We would like to highlight a few notable scholarships that students have received in the past:
General McCombs Scholarships
All BBA students should complete the McCombs Continuing Student Scholarship application. These scholarships can be used in-residence at UT or on BBA study abroad programs.
Eligibility: BBA students
Award amount: $1000-$1500
Deadline: June 1st
First Abroad Planning Scholarship
This scholarship allows first-generation college students to plan ahead before participating in a study abroad program.
Eligibility: First-generation college students
Award amount: $3,000
Deadline: December 1
McCombs Global Change Maker Scholarship
The Center for Global Business offers scholarship awards to support students pursuing international experience through study abroad or international internships.
Special consideration is given to International Business majors.
Eligibility: Undergraduate students from all majors who are enrolled and in good standing at The University of Texas at Austin. Program must be at least 4 weeks in length.
Award amount: Up to $5,000
Summer/Fall Deadline: September 30
Gilman Scholarship
The Gilman Scholarship Program provides funding for undergraduate students who are U.S. citizens and federal Pell Grant recipients.
Eligibility: Pell Grant recipients
Award amount: Varies
Deadline: Varies
Fund for Education Abroad
The mission of the Fund for Education Abroad (FEA) is to provide scholarships and ongoing support to students who are underrepresented among the U.S. study abroad population.
FEA makes life-changing, international experiences accessible to all by supporting students of color, community college, and first-generation college students before, during, and after they participate in education abroad programs.
Eligibility: All UT undergraduate students who are U.S. citizens or permanent residents
Award amount: Varies
Deadline: Varies
Freeman Asia Scholarships
A Freeman-ASIA Award provides need-based funding to assist the recipient with the cost of the study abroad program and related expenses, including airfare, basic living costs, local transportation, books, etc. for students studying abroad in Asia.
Eligibility: All UT students studying abroad in Asia
Award amount: $3,000-$7,000
Deadline: March 30
Texas Tuition Promise Fund
Semester Programs students can use the Texas Tuition Promise Fund (formerly Texas Guaranteed Tuition Plan and Texas Tomorrow Fund) for study abroad.
BBA Summer Faculty-Led PRogram Students
Option 1: Apply your Texas Tuition Promise Fund to the UT faculty-taught course tuition
Students participating in a BBA Summer Faculty-Led program are able to use their Texas Tuition Promise Fund (TTPF) for their UT faculty-taught course tuition, as they would for their regular tuition at UT. This will reduce their TTPF account by three credit hours. Please note, this will only apply to the UT-taught course, and not the affiliated partner school course.
Students must contact Student Accounts Receivable and inform the staff that they would like to add TTPF for the summer. If a student has sufficient hours in their TTPF account, those hours will then be applied to their summer tuition.
Option 2: Apply TTPF to the affiliated course fee and other program-related fees
BBA students may also use up to three hours of their TTPF funds for additional tuition and fees related to their BBA Summer Faculty-Led Program. In July, the student will be reimbursed by UT via direct deposit or check for 3 hours at the current reimbursement rate.
MPA Summer Faculty-Led Program Students
MPA students participating in MPA Summer Faculty-Led Programs do not pay regular UT Tuition and are therefore usually unable to use TTPF for their program.
May Term Faculty-Led Program Students
As long as undergraduate students are enrolled in at least 12 hours during the Spring semester their May Term tuition will be waived, so no TTPF funds will be needed.