Course Equivalency Database
Curious about what classes you could take overseas while on a Semester Program? Search through the My Credit Abroad Database to see what courses students have taken abroad and how they transferred to UT. If you are interested in a Faculty-Led Program during a summer session, the courses for these programs are pre-determined.

Important Notice Concerning the Database of UT Equivalencies

You must read and acknowledge your understanding of this policy before you can access the online database. Contact us with questions or for more information.

Database of UT Equivalencies Policy

The database is a very helpful tool intended to help students explore course offerings at partner schools. It cannot replace the specific guidance students receive in an individual advising appointment. To use the database effectively, it’s important to understand what information it conveys, and its limitations.

The database reflects the courses students have taken at some point abroad and the UT credit they received. A student who takes the same course at the same partner university may expect to earn the same credit, barring any substantial changes to the course content.

Each partner has its own guidelines on what type of coursework it makes available to exchange students. Exchange coordinators help students match their course plans and goals with partners’ offerings. (At the University of Bath, for example, UT students are expected to choose from advanced fourth-year classes).

Students are not restricted to the courses listed in the database. It is a living, growing document; as additional courses are evaluated, they are incorporated into the record. Courses must be re-evaluated every five years. Courses due for re-evaluation are indicated as “was XYZ” in the Notes section.

Course offerings vary by semester and year, so it is vital for students to first consult the host institutions’ course offerings on the web or in the printed materials kept in the Undergraduate Programs Office. Often, specific courses are offered just once a year, while special topics courses may be offered only one time.

The database is a historical record. Like UT, partner schools periodically implement curriculum changes, and courses may change in content or be cancelled. If the material covered for a specific course title changes substantially or credit hours are adjusted, (not common, but we have encountered these issues) a re-evaluation of the course will be necessary.

It is possible to have a business or non-business course at a partner school evaluated at any time, if a syllabus is available.


Reminder of UT Regulations

Students are expected to register for an equivalent of 12 hours of courses the semester they study abroad, taking at least 2 business classes (some partners may require more).

At some partner schools students may need to take more than or fewer than four courses to achieve the appropriate required load.

Please be aware of the 50 Percent Rule: At least 50 percent of coursework in a student’s major must be completed in Austin at UT. For example, a marketing major may take nine hours of marketing electives abroad if she or he takes MKT 337, MKT 460, and MKT 370 here. For IB majors, the ratio applies to the required IB classes and electives; area studies classes are not included in the 50 percent ratio.

Students must take the required integrative course for their major (FIN 370, IB 378, MAN 374, MKT 370, MIS 375) here at UT.

Substantial writing component courses must also be taken at UT.

Reminder of Prerequisites

Students participating on a semester or year exchange program must have completed both Economics and both Math courses prior to departure. Completion of such courses is not required at the time of applying, only before a student travels abroad.

It is highly recommended that students complete ACC 312 prior to studying abroad.

Course prerequisites do not apply for students participating on BBA summer exchange programs.

Partner Courses

These are additional business and non-business courses offered by our partner universities in addition to the classes referenced in the Course Equivalency Database. Students are encouraged to visit the partner university’s website to view course catalogs and more specific course information.

Academic Integrity

The UT and McCombs codes of conduct and academic integrity policies still apply for McCombs students participating on UT or McCombs study abroad programs.