MPA Academic Policies
Traditional MPA Policies

Late Registration Fee

Students should register at their earliest opportunity. Those who register late pay a processing fee to do so. Late registration times are identified in the course schedule. Students may only register after the fourth class day in fall or spring or the second class day in summer with the approval of the department chair, the student’s dean, and the registrar.

Registration after these dates is approved only in rare circumstances.

Students must pay tuition bills by 5:00 pm on the payment deadline or their registration will be canceled. Students who receive financial aid or who have ‘Zero Amount Due’ must complete registration online by 5:00 pm on the day their late registration is processed.

Failure to complete registration will result in the cancelation of classes.

Traditional MPA Full-Time Status

The MPA Program requires all students to register for and remain registered for no less than nine credit hours during a long-session semester, excluding the final semester.

No minimum course load is required in the summer, except under certain circumstances. Please refer to the Graduate Catalog for more information.

Adding and Dropping Courses

Fall and Spring

Before classes begin and during the first four class days of a long-session semester, students may add or drop a course through online registration as described in the course schedule.

From the fifth through the twelfth class day, students may add or drop a course with the approval of their MPA academic advisor and of the department in which the course is given. After the twelfth class day, students may add a course only under rare and extenuating circumstances approved by their academic advisor.

Students may drop a course with the required approvals through the last class day. From the thirteenth through the twentieth class day of a long-session semester, students may drop a course with no academic penalty; the symbol Q is recorded. If a course is dropped after that time, the instructor determines whether a Q or an F should be recorded.

No refunds are given for courses dropped after the twelfth class day in a long-session semester.


In each summer-session term, students may add or drop a course through online registration during the first two class days. On the third and fourth class days, students may add or drop a course with the approval of their academic advisor and of the department in which the course is given.

After the fourth class day, students may add a course only under rare and extenuating circumstances approved by their academic advisor. Students may drop a course with the required approvals through the last class day. From the fifth through the tenth class day of a summer term, students may drop a course with no academic penalty; the symbol Q is recorded. If a course is dropped after that time, the instructor determines whether a Q or an F should be recorded.

No refunds are given for courses dropped after the fourth class day in a summer term.

Students should note that dropping a course may cause his or her course load to drop below that required for full-time status. Students on scholastic probation may not drop a course without approval from their academic advisor.

Maximum Hours

Graduate students may enroll in up to 15 hours in a long-session semester or 12 hours in a 12-week summer session.

A heavier course load requires approval from the student’s academic advisor and is permitted only under exceptional circumstances.

Review catalog information on maximum hours


Dropping an entire course load constitutes withdrawal from the university for that semester.

To withdraw, students must file with a withdrawal petition with their academic advisor. Students may withdraw through the last class day.

If the student abandons his or her courses without withdrawing, the instructor in each course determines the grade to record. Students on scholastic probation cannot withdraw without approval from their academic advisor.


Students who receive an incomplete (symbol X) in a course have one long semester to resolve that incomplete.

Failure to resolve an incomplete within its required time frame (the end of the grade reporting period for your next long semester of enrollment after getting the X) results in the conversion of the symbol X to the symbol I (permanent incomplete). The symbol I cannot be converted into a grade. When the symbol I has been recorded, the symbol X also remains on your permanent record.

Degree Requirements and Policies

Undergraduate Courses

Students may count a maximum of six upper-division undergraduate hours toward a 30- to 31-hour MPA degree program or a maximum of nine upper-division undergraduate hours toward a 33- to 43-hour MPA degree program but must receive prior approval from their academic advisor to do so.

The form for requesting approval of an undergraduate course is available for download, or in the MPA Program Office. If a graduate equivalent of a class is offered during the same semester, students must enroll in the graduate class. All courses that satisfy MPA degree requirements must be taken subsequent to entering the MPA program at UT. Lower-division undergraduate courses will not count toward the MPA degree.

Courses Outside McCombs

Students may complete a maximum of six hours of electives outside the McCombs School of Business but must obtain permission in advance from their academic advisor.

In the request for approval, students will be expected to explain how the proposed outside elective ties in with their career objectives and include a copy of the syllabus. The form for requesting approval of a course outside the McCombs School is available for download, or in the MPA Program Office.

Course Waivers/Substitutions

A student who is granted a waiver or substitution for a core course will not receive degree credit (even as an elective) for this core course unless the student receives permission to do so from MPA academic advisor.

Independent Study

One independent study (up to 3 credit hours) may be counted for credit toward the MPA degree. An independent study that is completed in an accounting topic (ACC 391C) will count as a graduate accounting elective.

Before the semester starts, both the instructor and the academic advisor must approve the independent study course to be completed that semester. The approval form is available for download, or in the MPA Program Office. The basis for determining the course grade must be included on the form.


An internship course (ACC 392N) will be counted as a graduate business elective toward the MPA degree, not as a graduate accounting elective.

However, for eligibility to sit for the CPA exam in Texas, three hours of internship credit will count toward the requirement of 30 hours in accounting. Please review CPA exam requirements for more information.

All internship courses are offered on a credit/no credit basis, and only one internship course may count toward the MPA degree. Academic credit is not available for any internship opportunity during a student’s final semester. For details regarding internships, see internship information.

Other Degree Policies

With the exception of the internship course (ACC 392N) and MPA Distinguished Speaker Series course (ACC 180C), students must complete all courses counted toward the MPA degree on a letter-grade basis. Additional courses that are not required for the MPA degree may be taken on the credit/no credit-basis (CR/NC) only if the professor gives consent.

Only courses in which students earn a grade of C or better may be included in the program of work for the MPA degree. Students may not repeat for credit a course in which they have earned a grade of C or better.

Students who are unable to complete all MPA degree requirements in the semester for which they applied for graduation should check with their academic advisor about the implications of a later graduation date.

GPA Requirements

Three separate GPAs are calculated while a student is in the MPA program.

In order to remain in good academic standing and graduate from the program, a student must obtain a GPA of 3.0 or better in all three categories. Students who fall below 3.0 are considered to be on academic probation and must earn the necessary grade points in the next long semester to avoid the threat of dismissal.

Please note that effective Fall 2005, a plus/minus grading system was approved for graduate students enrolled in graduate-level courses. A grade of at least C is required for a course to count toward the MPA degree.

Visit the Graduate School for more information

1. Graduate GPA

The graduate GPA is calculated on the basis of all graduate-level courses and upper-division undergraduate courses taken as a graduate student at The University of Texas at Austin in which a student has earned a letter grade. If graduate-level courses and upper-division undergraduate courses were completed at The University of Texas at Austin as a graduate student prior to enrolling in the MPA program, these courses will be included in the calculation of the graduate GPA.

Graduate courses have the numbers 8 and 9 as the middle digit in their course number. Upper-division undergraduate courses have the numbers 2 through 7 as the middle digit in their course number.


The MPA GPA is calculated on the basis of all upper-division undergraduate courses and all graduate-level courses taken during the MPA program of work. The MPA GPA excludes other graduate-level courses or upper-division undergraduate courses taken at The University of Texas at Austin prior to enrollment in the MPA program.

3. Accounting GPA

The accounting GPA is calculated on the basis of all accounting classes taken during the MPA program of work. This GPA includes both upper-division undergraduate accounting courses and graduate-level accounting courses. An independent study completed in an accounting topic (ACC 391C) counts in the accounting GPA.

Grades for any lower-division undergraduate courses (e.g. ACC 311) are not calculated in the graduate GPA, the MPA GPA or the accounting GPA. Lower-division undergraduate courses will not count toward the MPA degree. Lower-division courses have the number 0 or 1 as the middle digit in their course number.

MPA Bridge Policies

Late Registration Fee

Students should register at their earliest opportunity. Those who register late pay a processing fee to do so.

Late registration times are identified in the course schedule. Students may only register after the fourth class day in fall or spring or the second class day in summer with the approval of the department chair, the student’s dean, and the registrar.

Registration after these dates is approved only in rare circumstances.

Students must pay tuition bills by 5:00 pm on the payment deadline or their registration will be canceled. Students who receive financial aid or who have ‘Zero Amount Due’ must complete registration online by 5:00 pm on the day their late registration is processed.

Failure to complete registration will result in cancelation of classes.

MPA Bridge Full-Time Status

The MPA Program requires all students to register for and remain registered for no less than nine credit hours during a long-session semester, excluding the final semester.

No minimum course load is required in the summer, except under certain circumstances. Please refer to the Graduate Catalog for more information.

Adding and Dropping Courses

Fall and Spring

Before classes begin and during the first four class days of a long-session semester, students may add or drop a course through online registration as described in the course schedule.

From the fifth through the twelfth class day, students may add or drop a course with the approval of their MPA academic advisor and of the department in which the course is given. After the twelfth class day, students may add a course only under rare and extenuating circumstances approved by their academic advisor.

Students may drop a course with the required approvals through the last class day. From the thirteenth through the twentieth class day of a long-session semester, students may drop a course with no academic penalty; the symbol Q is recorded. If a course is dropped after that time, the instructor determines whether a Q or an F should be recorded.

No refunds are given for courses dropped after the twelfth class day in a long-session semester.


In each summer-session term, students may add or drop a course through online registration during the first two class days. On the third and fourth class days, students may add or drop a course with the approval of their academic advisor and of the department in which the course is given.

After the fourth class day, students may add a course only under rare and extenuating circumstances approved by their academic advisor. Students may drop a course with the required approvals through the last class day. From the fifth through the tenth class day of a summer term, students may drop a course with no academic penalty; the symbol Q is recorded. If a course is dropped after that time, the instructor determines whether a Q or an F should be recorded.

No refunds are given for courses dropped after the fourth class day in a summer term.

Students should note that dropping a course may cause his or her course load to drop below that required for full-time status. Students on scholastic probation may not drop a course without approval from their academic advisor.

Maximum Hours

Graduate students may enroll in up to 15 hours in a long-session semester or 12 hours in a 12-week summer session.

A heavier course load requires approval from the student’s academic advisor and is permitted only under exceptional circumstances.

Review catalog information on maximum hours


Dropping an entire course load constitutes withdrawal from the university for that semester.

To withdraw, students must file with a withdrawal petition with their academic advisor. Students may withdraw through the last class day.

If the student abandons his or her courses without withdrawing, the instructor in each course determines the grade to record. Students on scholastic probation cannot withdraw without approval from their academic advisor.


Students who receive an incomplete (symbol X) in a course have one long semester to resolve that incomplete.

Failure to resolve an incomplete within its required time frame (the end of the grade reporting period for your next long semester of enrollment after getting the X) results in the conversion of the symbol X to the symbol I (permanent incomplete). The symbol I cannot be converted into a grade. When the symbol I has been recorded, the symbol X also remains on your permanent record.

Degree Requirements and Policies

Undergraduate Courses

Students may count a maximum of six upper-division undergraduate hours toward a 30- to 31-hour MPA degree program or a maximum of nine upper-division undergraduate hours toward a 33- to 43-hour MPA degree program but must receive prior approval from their academic advisor to do so.

The form for requesting approval of an undergraduate course is available for download, or in the MPA Program Office. If a graduate equivalent of a class is offered during the same semester, students must enroll in the graduate class. All courses that satisfy MPA degree requirements must be taken subsequent to entering the MPA program at UT. Lower-division undergraduate courses will not count toward the MPA degree.

Courses Outside McCombs

Students may complete a maximum of six hours of electives outside the McCombs School of Business but must obtain permission in advance from their academic advisor.

In the request for approval, students will be expected to explain how the proposed outside elective ties in with their career objectives and include a copy of the syllabus. The form for requesting approval of a course outside the McCombs School is available for download, or in the MPA Program Office.

Course Waivers/Substitutions

A student who is granted a waiver or substitution for a core course will not receive degree credit (even as an elective) for this core course unless the student receives permission to do so from MPA academic advisor.

Independent Study

One independent study (up to 3 credit hours) may be counted for credit toward the MPA degree. An independent study that is completed in an accounting topic (ACC 391C) will count as a graduate accounting elective.

Before the semester starts, both the instructor and the academic advisor must approve the independent study course to be completed that semester. The approval form is available for download, or in the MPA Program Office. The basis for determining the course grade must be included on the form.


An internship course (ACC 392N) will be counted as a graduate business elective toward the MPA degree, not as a graduate accounting elective.

However, for eligibility to sit for the CPA exam in Texas, three hours of internship credit will count toward the requirement of 30 hours in accounting. Please review CPA exam requirements for more information.

All internship courses are offered on a credit/no credit basis, and only one internship course may count toward the MPA degree. Academic credit is not available for any internship opportunity during a student’s final semester. For details regarding internships, see internship information.

Other Degree Policies

With the exception of the internship course (ACC 392N) and MPA Distinguished Speaker Series course (ACC 180C), students must complete all courses counted toward the MPA degree on a letter-grade basis. Additional courses that are not required for the MPA degree may be taken on the credit/no credit-basis (CR/NC) only if the professor gives consent.

Only courses in which students earn a grade of C or better may be included in the program of work for the MPA degree. Students may not repeat for credit a course in which they have earned a grade of C or better.

Students who are unable to complete all MPA degree requirements in the semester for which they applied for graduation should check with their academic advisor about the implications of a later graduation date.

GPA Requirements

Three separate GPAs are calculated while a student is in the MPA program.

In order to remain in good academic standing and graduate from the program, a student must obtain a GPA of 3.0 or better in all three categories. Students who fall below 3.0 are considered to be on academic probation and must earn the necessary grade points in the next long semester to avoid the threat of dismissal.

Please note that effective Fall 2005, a plus/minus grading system was approved for graduate students enrolled in graduate-level courses. A grade of at least C is required for a course to count toward the MPA degree.

Visit the Graduate School for more information

1. Graduate GPA

The graduate GPA is calculated on the basis of all graduate-level courses and upper-division undergraduate courses taken as a graduate student at The University of Texas at Austin in which a student has earned a letter grade. If graduate-level courses and upper-division undergraduate courses were completed at The University of Texas at Austin as a graduate student prior to enrolling in the MPA program, these courses will be included in the calculation of the graduate GPA.

Graduate courses have the numbers 8 and 9 as the middle digit in their course number. Upper-division undergraduate courses have the numbers 2 through 7 as the middle digit in their course number.


The MPA GPA is calculated on the basis of all upper-division undergraduate courses and all graduate-level courses taken during the MPA program of work. The MPA GPA excludes other graduate-level courses or upper-division undergraduate courses taken at The University of Texas at Austin prior to enrollment in the MPA program.

3. Accounting GPA

The accounting GPA is calculated on the basis of all accounting classes taken during the MPA program of work. This GPA includes both upper-division undergraduate accounting courses and graduate-level accounting courses. An independent study completed in an accounting topic (ACC 391C) counts in the accounting GPA.

Grades for any lower-division undergraduate courses (e.g. ACC 311) are not calculated in the graduate GPA, the MPA GPA or the accounting GPA. Lower-division undergraduate courses will not count toward the MPA degree. Lower-division courses have the number 0 or 1 as the middle digit in their course number.