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Degree Planning

Degree planning is a process - from orientation to graduation. While your advising team is here to help you along the way, we also want to make sure resources are available for you should you want to do some degree planning on your own. Below you can find blank versions of the degree checksheets we typically provide during appointments. You can also find prerequisite flowcharts, track course lists (for the majors that have tracks), 4-year planners, and additional resources. If you ever find yourself stumped regarding degree planning or progress, definitely reach out to your advisor.

McCombs School of Business Undergraduate Degree Plans

 Major   Catalog        
 Accounting  2016-2018  2018-2020  2020-2022  2022-2024  2024-2026
 Accounting - Integrated BBA/MPA  2016-2018   2018-2020  2020-2022  2022-2024  2024-2026
 Business Analytics (BAX)  N/A  N/A  N/A  2022-2024 2024-2026
 Canfield Business Honors  2016-2018   2018-2020  2020-2022  2022-2024  2024-2026
 Finance  2016-2018   2018-2020   2020-2022  2022-2024  2024-2026
 Finance with Accounting Minor  2016-2018   2018-2020   2020-2022   2022-2024 N/A
 Finance: Energy, Law & Science Track  N/A  N/A  2020-2022   2022-2024 2024-2026
 International Business - Language Skills Track  2016-2018   2018-2020   2020-2022  2022-2024  2024-2026
 International Business - Global Business Skills Track  N/A  N/A  2020-2022   2022-2024  2024-2026
 Management  2016-2018   2018-2020   2020-2022   2022-2024  2024-2026
 Management Information Systems (MIS)  2016-2018   2018-2020   2020-2022   2022-2024  2024-2026
 Marketing  2016-2018  2018-2020  2020-2022  2022-2024  2024-2026
 Science & Technology Management (STM)  2016-2018   2018-2020   2020-2022   N/A N/A
 Supply Chain Management  2016-2018   2018-2020   2020-2022   2022-2024  2024-2026
 Undeclared Business  2016-2018  2018-2020  2020-2022  2022-2024 2024-2026


Prerequisite Flowcharts

Prerequisite Flowcharts

These flowcharts are meant to provide a visual resource in understanding how prerequisites and corequisites work. You can use these to make sure you are on-track to take specific classes during certain semesters as you work towards graduation.

  • Prerequisites occasionally change. You should download new versions of these every semester. 
  • If there is a conflict between these flowcharts and the course schedule, you should always follow the course schedule
  • These plans list all of the major requirements for each major, but do not list every requirement for graduation. Make sure to make use of the Interactive Degree Audit to see your overall degree progress.
  • If you find any issues with these flowcharts, please contact your academic advisor.


Finance Tracks

Finance Tracks

The Finance Department has created tracks to help students choose courses relevant to their area of interest. When you declare Finance as your major, you must also choose the track you'd like to follow. Each track has specific courses that will count based on your catalog. You can find the tracks and their requirements for the current catalogs below.

 Finance Tracks          
 Catalog: 2016-2018  2018-2020 2020-2022  2022-2024

Management Tracks

Management Tracks

The Management Department has created tracks to help students choose courses relevant to their area of interest. When you declare Management as your major, you must also choose the track you'd like to follow. Each track has specific courses that will count based on your catalog. You can find the tracks and their requirements for the current catalogs below.

 Management Tracks          
 Catalog: 2016-2018  2018-2020 2020-2022 2022-2024

STM Blocks

STM Blocks

Beginning with the 16-18 catalog, the Science & Technology Management major introduced Business Blocks. These blocks allow students to focus on an area of business they are interested in. The blocks currently available are: General, Finance, Supply Chain, and Management Information Systems.

The requirements for each block are available in the Undergraduate Catalog:

20-22 STM Block Requirements

18-20 STM Block Requirements

16-18 STM Block Requirements

Pre-Med Plans

Pre-Health Professions Plans

Some of our McCombs students are pursuing Pre-Health Professions like Pre-Med and Pre-Dental. We encourage you to visit the Health Professions Office (HPO) information page. Connect with your advisor to further discuss course planning and how to incorporate this into your degree.

  • If you are thinking of pursuing a different Pre-Health Profession, use the HPO Pathways page. This will give you access to coaching, pathway plans, and general 4-year planning tools.
  • These plans assume you come in with no credit and that you plan to take the MCAT junior year.
  • Feel free to reach out and connect with the HPO office for further details and insight!
  Interactive Degree Audit  Run audits as any major at UT Austin to see which requirements you've completed and which you still need
  Automated Transfer Equivalency  Find out how courses at other Texas colleges transfer to UT
  Sanger Learning Center  Offers tutoring; workshops on note taking, study skills, test taking, etc.
  Student Testing Services  Claim credit for AP, CLEP, IB, and other tests
  Syllabus Database  Find out more about a course and the instructor
  Office of the Registrar  Course schedules, registration times, tuition, final exam schedule, GPA calculator, etc.